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Vacuum Parts
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Euroclean Part List
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A Compact and Powerful Line of Built-In
Vacuum Cleaners
Many Uses, Houses, Apartments, Kitchens, Hobby
Shops, Restaurants, Garages, Basements, Town homes RV's, Motor Homes,
Boats and more.
Enjoy the convenience of a built-in vacuum cleaner system that installs without
pipes. It's only 3 7/8" deep, it fits easily inside any 2 x 4 wall or simply
hang it inside a closet or cabinet.
Special internal air channels prevent the vacuum bag from adhering to the
vacuum chamber walls, allowing air to flow through the unit at its highest
level and fill the bag. Triple filtration system: High quality filter bag;
secondary filter which also protects the motor; and air discharge filter.
When used with a 30-foot hose, each unit cleans an area up to 1,400*
square feet. *May vary depending on individual floor plans.